A survey published by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) in 2018 shows that the number of women who find themselves paying child or spousal support increased in recent years. Some legal analysts suspect that this emerging trend may be a sign that the...
What expenses do spouses often forget when requesting alimony?
If a judge has ordered you to receive alimony, you may think that what you'll receive will remain the same for the foreseeable future. While that's likely the case, changes in your ex's life circumstances may result in a modification of support in the future. It's...
Can alimony awards be modified post-divorce?
Emotions are often running high when couples go to settle their divorces. Spouses often make rash decisions in such instances that they come to regret later. It's in situations like this a post-divorce modification may be necessary. Some of the reasons why spouses...
How cohabitation affects alimony payments
Receiving alimony for an indefinite period is never guaranteed. Several things can cause your spousal support payments to be terminated such as death, remarriage or cohabitation. The latter is defined as a person living with another in a marriage-type of relationship,...
What strategies do Florida judges employ for determining alimony?
Family law judges in every state including Florida use different formulas for determining how much alimony a spouse should pay another when they divorce. Even still, it's possible for husbands and wives who are ordered to pay spousal support to negotiate up or down...
Can a Florida spouse request a change in alimony obligations?
When a judge orders a spouse to pay alimony to their ex, they enter in a court order. While you may take that to mean that they cannot seek any changes to it, that's not the case. Spousal support orders can be modified in most jurisdictions. The paying spouse must...
The length of a marriage can impact alimony awards
If Florida, there's more than just one type of spousal support award that judges can make. Bridge-the-gap, lifetime and rehabilitative alimony are just some of the many options that the court has to choose from. There are many different factors that judges take into...
Florida lawmakers may soon put an end to lifetime alimony
Members of the House Civil Justice Subcommittee signed off a Republican-backed bill aimed at eliminating lifetime alimony payments in Florida this past week. The bill's supporters must now wait for the same piece of legislation to heard by state senators. If...
Remember that alimony payments will handled differently in 2020
If you're preparing to file for divorce, and you've begun researching what's involved in doing so, then you've likely come across information about alimony. Unless you've checked to make sure that you're reading an article that's been written in the past year, then...
What role does age play in a family law judge’s decision-making?
Florida is an equitable distribution state. This means that your Fort Myers judge will weigh the contributions each of you made to the marriage when deciding how to split up any marital property that you have. They'll also carefully weigh what's in the best interest...