The new tax code that went into effect at the beginning of this year affected the long-standing way in which alimony payments have historically been handled. Former spouses who make alimony payments no longer qualify for tax deductions. Their recipient ex is now...
You may lose alimony if your prenup isn’t thoroughly reviewed
In May 2019, a Florida appeals judge decided that the omission of the letter "a" on a legal document should cost one divorce petitioner $1,500,000.A couple signed a prenuptial agreement before their 2006 marriage. In that legal document, it detailed how the wife would...
There are more effective ways of negotiating alimony with your ex
Conversations about alimony frequently get heated. This often happens because the breadwinning spouse has grown tired of supporting their stay-at-home husband or wife. They don't want to give up their hard-earned money to their ex. Their spouse may have long relied on...
Alimony reform bill dies in Florida without a hearing
A widely-discussed (and disputed) alimony reform bill that was pushed forward by the Florida Family Law Reform Political Action Committee (PAC) failed to even get a hearing before the Florida House and Senate in its 2019 legislative session.It isn't the first time...
First and second wives battle over permanent alimony in Florida
Many women who find themselves being dragged in and out of Florida courtrooms over issues surrounding alimony belong to the First Wives Advocacy Group (FWAG).The group is largely comprised of 50 and 60-year-old former homemakers. Many of them find themselves standing...
A Florida group seeks to end to permanent alimony awards
The Florida Family Law Reform (FFLR) Political Action Committee (PAC) announced on March 22 that they're throwing their support behind House Bill 1325 and Senate Bill 1596. If passed, both laws would help do away with permanent alimony awards.Although Fort Myers...
Divorcing spouses may desperately need alimony as costs increase
A study published in Motherly magazine in late January captured how, despite that many women have joined the workforce during the past 100 years, many still considered it to be optional whether to have a career or stay home with the kids. The authors note that they're...
What are the different types of alimony that exist in Florida?
Our state recognizes more than one type of spousal support. Under Florida Title VI: Civil Practice and Procedure Section 61.08, a judge presiding over the dissolution of a marriage can award a spouse permanent, bridge-the-gap, durational or rehabilitative alimony....
Family law judges see an uptick in last-minute divorce filings
The months following the holidays are generally busy for divorce attorneys as many couples spend time together and realize that they just don't mesh anymore. This year, though, there's a final rush right before the year ends for a whole other reason. Many couples are...
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will change how alimony is handled
Come Jan. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will go into effect. Once it does, an alimony-paying spouse will no longer be able to take a tax deduction for making such a payment on their yearly tax filing.Up until this act was passed last year, paying spouses had been...