For Florida couples who are going through a divorce, child custody battles may create a good deal of tension and animosity. Property division may cause tension as well, and if the property to be divided includes animals, then that tension may run especially high. For...
Month: June 2014
Dad angered by Florida court system
Florida residents may be interested in a recent article which discussed the current plight of divorced fathers facing alleged discrimination by the Florida family court system. According to the article, the discrimination stems from the failure of a bill last year...
Director faces divorce
Florida residents who are fans of film director Michael Moore may have read about his recent marital problems. Moore is currently undergoing a split that one source characterized as "vicious." He is divorcing his wife of 23 years, Kathleen Glynn. Though Moore is...
Dealing with the complexities of divorce
When a Florida couple seeks a divorce, they may become involved in property division proceedings that might become complicated, depending on certain factors. However, a recent article discusses some basics of the process that might be beneficial to some readers. One...