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Financial differences that can lead to divorce

On Behalf of | Mar 22, 2021 | High Asset Divorce |

Financial problems and differences are one of the main causes of divorce when both spouses disagree about how to manage their money during their marriage. Impulse spending, emergency expenses, and living outside your means can all lead to discord in the marriage, which can eventually cause both parties to separate. Many Florida residents may be at high risk of financial disagreements if they fail to get financial counseling and experience stress while combining their bank accounts.

What are the most common financial differences that lead to divorce?

There are many financial situations and events that can increase the risk of getting a high-asset divorce. The most common money-related matters that lead to disagreements include opposite views and habits with how to manage money. It can be easy to disagree on purchases that are made or how much to save each month. Entering the marriage with debt or accumulating a significant amount of debt can also make it easier to encounter conflict and head for divorce. Spending money without informing your spouse of your purchases can also lead to a lack of trust and break down the marriage, especially when lying is involved.

Who can you contact for legal assistance?

Contact a high-asset divorce attorney if you want to file for divorce from your spouse. A legal professional can inform you of your rights and help you understand the legal process. With their help, you may be able to swing the outcome in your favor or use mediation to make the divorce press faster when disagreeing on how to divide assets and property with your spouse. An attorney can also assist you in similar matters that include child custody, alimony, and modify a parenting agreement.


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