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What approach to mediation is best for my Florida divorce case?

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2020 | Divorce Mediation |

Divorces are often complex to sort out. Children and assets tend to slow down the process more than other factors, especially if one or both spouses have hurt feelings and are unwilling to find common ground. Litigation can be quite costly and often has a way of not turning out as couples planned. On the other hand, mediation is a solution-oriented approach whereby divorcing couples may move quickly and amicably resolve their differences.

Researchers at Belgium’s Ghent University and the Catholic University of Leuven conducted a study in 2012 in which they studied 469 spouses in the midst of divorcing. An estimated 50% of those individuals reported experiencing high-level conflict before filing for divorce.

At least 70% of the participants utilized an attorney to litigate their cases. The remaining 30% used a mediator instead.

The researchers polled the divorcing spouses and ultimately found that those spouses who used mediation reported being happy with their agreements’ clarity, comprehensiveness and fairness. They also tended to be more pleased with how they could tailor them to their situation.

Study authors also determined that outcomes vary depending on the meditation approach used.

They found that mediators who engage in this negotiation method’s facilitative form are generally more successful in engaging divorcing couples in open or smooth conversations. The researchers also determined that evaluative mediators take a different approach to handling cases. They often do so by asking the two parties first to evaluate where they stand. They may then introduce their own suggested settlement option when divorcing couples seem to be at an impasse.

The researchers ultimately determined that couples who worked closely with a mediator who employed the facilitative type of mediation generally could better aid them in achieving higher-quality resolutions in their divorce.

Splitting up is always hard on all parties involved. It can help if you bring a third party into the mix who’s invested in helping you and your ex reach a compromise about your Fort Myers family’s future. An attorney can help you achieve a resolution in your Florida case that will work for both of you.


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