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What does an ideal co-parenting schedule look like?

On Behalf of | May 7, 2020 | Child Custody |

No parent wants to be limited in sharing time with their kids. Moms and dads have to come to terms with doing so once they break up, however. Finding a custody schedule that works for your kids largely comes down to your child’s age and their outside obligations. Ultimately, it’s your job to do what’s in the best interest of your children.

There’s a difference between legal and physical custody. Legal custody gives a parent the right to make decisions about their child’s education, health and religion. Physical custody has to do with which parent the child lives with most of the time.

Parents have to take into account that children have different needs depending on their age. Infants and toddlers generally need much more one-on-one attention, whereas older children thrive on having more consistent schedules in place.

Teenagers generally have more outside commitments and a stronger connection to their community. They can benefit from being in one location for the majority of the week to avoid disruptions to their schedule.

Co-parenting is about what’s best for the children. Parents have to consider their own work and social commitments as well. Devise a schedule that both parents can follow. For some, exchanging the kids back-and-forth with your ex every few days or each week may be ideal.

There are a variety of factors to consider with co-parenting. Parents have to plan for handling holidays, extended school breaks, birthdays and summers. They must decide how to best manage extracurricular activities that their children may have as well.

Divorce is never easy. It can be even more difficult when children are involved. Discussing scheduling with your former spouse can be stressful. You may find it helpful to discuss your co-parenting needs first with an experienced child custody attorney here in Fort Myers. Your lawyer can help you broker a custody deal with your ex.


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