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When may a lump-sum alimony payment be an ideal option for you?

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2019 | High Asset Divorce |

In Florida, judges may award either temporary or permanent alimony. The former is the most common. It’s intended to give the recipient enough time to complete their education or professional training and restart their career. While most recipient spouses agree to receive monthly support payments, others receive a lump-sum payment.

Lump-sum alimony settlements are ideal for divorcing spouses if they have husbands or wives that have the necessary means to make such a payment. It’s also an option worth considering if you as the potential recipient have limited legal exposure and good financial management skills.

If you’re thinking about demanding a lump sum alimony payment, then you shouldn’t have any lawsuits pending against you. If you do, then you could potentially lose that lump sum settlement if you lost your case.

You should be skilled at creating a budget and disciplined in sticking to it if you plan to request a lump sum alimony payment. If you aren’t good at doing either one of these, then you run the risk squandering any money that you may have counted on to cover your necessary expenses.

You may find it helpful to meet with a financial planner to understand how to best invest any potential lump sum amount that you may receive before you agree to accept it. They can advise you of how to grow your investment through stocks, bonds and other interest-accruing financial instruments.

Many spousal support recipients elect to receive a lump sum alimony payment as a way to ensure that they’ll get what they’ve been promised. When spouses select this option, they no longer have to wonder if their ex’s death, job loss, health decline or any other factor will cause them to be unable to pay.

A spouse who accepts a lump sum alimony payment doesn’t have to worry about their spouse taking them back to court to change their support agreement if they remarry, get a better job or relocate out of the state either. Once a lump sum payment has been made, there’s no going back. There are, therefore, no modifications to deal with when life’s circumstances change.

There are many valid reasons that you may decide to request a lump sum alimony from your spouse. A high-asset divorce attorney can discuss those reasons with you and help you decide whether that’s an ideal choice for you here in Fort Myers.


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