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Where to look for hidden assets in a Florida divorce

On Behalf of | May 3, 2019 | Property Division |

Your spouse cheated on you, and it’s time for you to get out of the marriage. Might the cheating extend to your finances, too?

Florida is an equitable division state, so your assets should be divided fairly. But what if your assets seemingly have diminished or vanished?

There are places to look for hidden assets.

  1. Do a thorough spring cleaning. Clean out filing cabinets, closets and dresser drawers – even the garage. What are you looking for? Statements to bank accounts you didn’t your spouse owned, safe-deposit box keys, stock certificates or even a pile of money.
  2. Do an online search of public records. You might find something they are trying to hide.
  3. Watch your bank balance. That’s easy to do these days with online banking. Look daily for any transactions. Was there a large withdrawal yesterday that you know nothing about, or maybe a big purchase? Your spouse could be withdrawing cash and giving it to a friend to hold, or perhaps taking it out to repay a supposed debt to a family member whey they really are just giving the person money to hide. Be diligent in the search of your bank records.
  4. Is your spouse hiding money earned on the job? Could that annual bonus check really have been deposited in a separate bank account instead of into your joint account – all while your spouse tells you they didn’t qualify for a bonus this year?
  5. And what if your spouse is a business owner? Are they putting off billing clients until the divorce is finalized? Is there an “independent contractor” they are paying who really is a friend who is holding on to the money until a later date?

If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets, share your concerns with your divorce attorney. They will know how to proceed in locating assets.


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