Halloween is right around the corner, and your kids are probably excited. However, if it’s your first Halloween after getting a divorce, you may have some questions about how it will be different. Especially if the other parent was the one who always organized Halloween fun, it’s likely you’re wondering what to do.
Here are a few ideas to make sure your kids’ Halloween is the best one yet:
- Plan in advance. Ask your child and ask the other parent how you’re going to organize Halloween. Perhaps the parenting plan you agreed to already offers some guidance on who will have the kids. If it doesn’t, decide who’s going to do the trick or treating. Also, make sure you figure out your kids’ costumes well in advance so you’re not rushing around the morning of the day.
- Team up and get more candy. You might want to have your kids spend half the night trick or treating in your neighborhood, and the other half of the night trick or treating in your ex’s neighborhood. Your kids will love it because of the extra candy and your ex will love to get to see them in their costumes.
- Do you and your ex get along? Perhaps you can mix up your families and go trick or treating with your ex, and make a big party out of it. If it’s easy enough for all of you to get along, this will be an amazing night for your kids.
- What if you don’t have your kids? It can feel lonely on Halloween if you’re used to enjoying it with your cute kids in their costumes, but you might want to keep those feelings to yourself. Let your kids have a fun night, where they don’t worry about how you’re feeling.
As a final note, make sure that Halloween does not become a night where your old relationship wounds or child custody disagreements resurface. If you have any questions about your parenting time rights based on your parenting agreement, reach out to your family law attorney for information and support.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Halloween Trick or Treat Tips for Parents With Kids of Divorce,” Diane L. Danois, J.D., accessed Oct. 27, 2017