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Key factors about the prenuptial process

On Behalf of | Jul 27, 2017 | Blog |

Whether or not to arrange a prenuptial agreement is a common discussion amongst couples and those getting engaged. In some cases, even married couples decide to create them. Though some individuals consider it to be taboo, there are those who recognize a prenup as a way to gauge and mold marital expectations, as well as legal financial protection. If you are considering a prenuptial agreement, there are a few key factors to keep in mind.

In the state of Florida, the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act governs prenups. In short, they must write out a prenuptial agreement and both parties must sign in order for it to be valid. Before a prenup, both parties should assess all assets. To help avoid agreement issues in the future, it is best to account for predicted finances and achievements. For example, if one partner is in medical school, the prenup should account for that individual’s future salary.

As with any legally binding document, it is important that you read it fully and possibly have your attorney read over it as well to ensure that the agreement is fair and reasonable. If you desire to add anything or you feel the need to contest anything written in the prenup, you have the right to do so. Keep in mind that this is essentially an agreement that you and your future spouse abide by in the case that your relationship ends. It is better to be crystal clear and not need it than to have questions later.

If you are planning to present a prenuptial agreement to your significant other, be sure to give them a proper amount of time to review it. Usually, two to three months is a reasonable timeframe. It may be helpful to have an attorney assist you with or at least review your prenup before you give it to your loved one. With a lawyer’s vast knowledge of the legal system, he or she can help you keep the agreement appropriate for your situation.


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