When you watch television, there is a chance that you have seen some really nasty divorces. These divorces are a reality for some people in real life, but divorce mediation is a way that you might be able to do away with some of that tension and strife. If you are going through a divorce, you can consider mediation as a possible alternative to go through with the divorce.
Mediation doesn’t mean that you and your ex have to sit down in the same room to work things out alone. You can sit in the same room and discuss issues directly with each other; however, you can also stay in another area and allow the mediator to act as a go-between for you and your ex.
As you work through the mediation process, you will have to know what points you are able to compromise on and which ones you think you need to be a stickler about. Determining this before you go in for the session can help you out. Of course, you should consider everything that is offered or suggested because some options might be better than what you expected.
It is possible to work through every aspect of divorce through mediation. You can work out the child custody orders, spousal support and property division. Being able to make all of these decisions through mediation can mean that you don’t have to go through a trial. This can save you money and time, but you should make sure that mediation is the best option for your circumstances so that you can be certain you are ready.
Source: FindLaw, “Divorce Mediation – Overview,” accessed Dec. 29, 2016