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Facing a high-asset divorce? How an attorney can help

On Behalf of | Apr 26, 2016 | High Asset Divorce |

Divorce is not an easy process. In fact, for many people, it is one of the most difficult life events they will ever experience.

Add in the complexities of significant or sophisticated assets and a divorce can turn from complicated to cataclysmic. Thankfully, you do not have to go through this intricate process alone. In fact, trying to do so could only make matters worse. An attorney experienced in high-asset divorces can be a valuable asset to you during this time, allowing you to do some crucial things.

  1. Maintain control: It can be very easy to lose control when there are significant assets and public reputations on the line. People often lash out or make mistakes out of anger, frustration, fear and sadness. However, an attorney can help you maintain perspective of the situation and keep control of it.
  2. Protect yourself: In high-asset divorces, money is at the forefront of just about every issue, and considering all the bitter emotions and complex financial elements involved, you may wind up giving up or getting overwhelmed. Thankfully, your lawyer can make sure any decisions made are in your best interests and protect your rights.
  3. Understand your options: You might know that in Florida, marital assets will be distributed equitably. But you might not know how or if you can protect investments, gifts and other assets. You might not know the options for keeping certain real estate properties or avoiding debts and tax penalties. An attorney can help you assess these options in the context of your specific situation.

The attorneys at our law firm can perform these and many other functions to help you through your divorce. We know that you have a lot on the line financially, professionally, emotionally and personally and we can discuss with you how to protect yourself in all these areas. For information on our firm’s unique capabilities in high-asset divorce cases in Florida, please visit our website.


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