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Who is more likely to initiate a divorce: men or women?

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2015 | High Asset Divorce |

According to new research carried out by sociologist Michael Rosenfeld from Stanford, women are much more likely to initiate a divorce than men in a marriage. The research survey, which included 2,262 adults involved in heterosexual partnerships, showed that in 69 percent of cases, women are the ones who file for divorces, not men. On average, women also report less satisfaction in their marriages than men do.

But this is not the most revealing thing about heterosexual relationships that Rosenfeld’s study has revealed. Indeed, sociologists have known for a long time that women are usually the party that seeks divorce and remarriage. What Rosenfeld also discovered was that when it came to nonmarital relationships, men and women chose to end their relationships at equal rates. As such, there appears to be something about marriage, which is harder for women to cope with than it is for men.

Rosenfeld suspects that women are more likely to seek divorce because of the way they tend to shoulder a higher percentage of domestic responsibilities in marriages than husbands do, which could lead to a higher sense of dissatisfaction. He also says that because most women are working in jobs these days, if their husbands are not enriching their lives and making them happier, there are no economic incentives to stay with them.

There are many different reasons why Florida residents choose get divorces, and certainly it is not always the woman who initiates the breakup. Regardless the reason why the breakup is happening, and regardless who chooses to initiate a divorce, it will still be necessary to navigate complex legal issues in a breakup, which could include: asset division, child custody, alimony, child support notices.

Source: Washington Post, “Women are more likely to initiate divorce,” Yannan Wang, Aug. 27, 2015


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