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Virtual visitation in Florida

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2015 | Uncategorized |

Florida, along with several other states, has enacted laws regarding virtual visitation. Virtual visitation allows non-custodial parents to use electronic forms of communication, including video conferencing and instant messaging, to maintain a relationship with their children.

A non-custodial parent may request virtual visitation during the negotiation of a parenting agreement or when the parties are negotiating a child custody agreement. In general, virtual visitation is meant to be a way for the non-custodial parent to supplement their traditional visitation, especially if they do not have the ability to see their children as often as they would like. Virtual visitation may encourage the non-custodial parent to maintain a stronger relationship with the child and be more involved in their life.

Virtual visitation provides certain benefits for both the children and the parent; for example, the parent may become involved in the child’s extracurricular activities, be able to discuss day-to-day occurrences with the children or even be able to assist with homework. However, virtual visitation should not be considered to be a replacement for traditional visitation by either parent.

As with most legal decisions that involve children, the courts still consider certain factors to determine if allowing a non-custodial parent to have virtual visitation is in the best interests of the children. If the non-custodial parent in a child custody case wishes to build and maintain a strong relationship with their children, an attorney may provide evidence to the judge that virtual visitation, in addition to traditional visitation, would greatly benefit the children and the other parties involved in the case.

Source: FindLaw, “Virtual Visitation,” Accessed Jan. 22, 2015


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