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Why shuttle mediation might not be the wisest option

On Behalf of | Sep 9, 2021 | Divorce Mediation |

Florida couples who want to negotiate a settlement in their divorce might consider mediation. However, before committing, it is important to understand when certain strategies could prove less effective than others. For example, if the spouses meet separately with the mediator, who goes back and forth between the spouses in a process known as “shuttle mediation,” it presents challenges that should be assessed.

How meeting as a group can be useful in mediation

Mediators might avoid shuttle mediation because they believe other options are preferable. With the “no-caucus” method, the spouses and the mediator are in one room. This is believed to promote transparency so that each side knows what the mediator is saying and nothing is hidden. The spouses are more likely to trust the mediator. Any disagreement can be discussed with each side giving a position and promoting understanding. Everyone works together to come to an acceptable agreement.

Benefits of mediation

There are many issues that could arise in a divorce. If the case were to go to trial, it could sow tension and take a significant amount of time to resolve. Mediation can avoid this by letting the sides formulate ideas, talk about them and promote flexibility while keeping the sides focused on solutions instead of wondering what is being said in private meetings with the mediator. These are fundamental considerations with dispute resolution options like mediation and collaborative law.

Regardless of the goal and the way in which mediation is used, understanding the process is crucial from the outset. If it is successful, it can save time and money while allowing the couple to move forward without the contentiousness that frequently accompanies a court case.


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