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When your spouse wants a divorce and you don’t

On Behalf of | Jun 14, 2021 | High Asset Divorce |

When couples get a divorce in Florida, it is not always by mutual consent. Sometimes, one person wants to divorce, and the other individual very much does not. There are certain steps the spouse who does not want the divorce should take that could prevent it and may protect him or her financially if the marriage does end.

What to do

While it may be tempting to argue or plead with the spouse who wants a divorce, this is likely to only make the situation worse. Instead, the person who does not want to get a divorce should try to have civil conversations, answer his or her spouse’s questions, and generally act cooperatively. This individual should commit to moving ahead with his or her life with or without his or her spouse and give his or her partner some space. It may be helpful to read self-help books or go to marriage counseling. People who have addiction issues or have been abusive may need to go to individual counseling.

Financial considerations

Another consideration is what may happen to the property in a divorce. People should not try to clear out a joint bank account without their spouses’ consent and may want to talk to an attorney about what their rights and responsibilities may be regarding property division. This can be even more complex in a high-asset divorce, which could involve dividing investments, multiple properties, a business and more.

Consulting a lawyer may help you get an idea of how the divorce may proceed and how to protect yourself even if you are hoping to prevent your marriage from ending. You may also want to keep in mind that you do not necessarily have to go before a judge with your spouse to make decisions regarding child custody and property division. These can be negotiated outside of court.


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