School has now been in full swing throughout Florida for the past month. If behavioral or emotional problems related to you and your ex’s impending or recent divorce were going to manifest themselves, your kids are likely starting to show signs of them now as everyday school pressures have begun to take hold once again.
One of the best ways for you and your ex to help create a sense of stability or balance for your child is for you two to present a united front in laying out your expectations such as with homework. Having this conversation together as parents with your child has the potential of reducing conflict on down the road.
Expenses may be more costly than you expected or extra, unforeseen ones may creep up when raising a child. These may often go beyond costs for shelter, food and clothing that child support is intended to cover.
If the two of you know that your son or daughter desires to be involved in certain extracurricular activities or has an event such as prom or graduation coming up, then you and your ex may want to discuss how you’re going to cover them. You may choose to split these expenses down the middle or you may choose to pay for them based on how much you make. You may even have your child contribute some of their allowance to them.
Finally, having a custody or visitation schedule in place that allows both of you to have an opportunity to spend time with your child is important. Having a plan in place for how you two are going to handle early release or sick days and school holidays for your child is critical. This will minimize the chance of there being strife between the two of you which can, in turn, affect your child.
When parents are together, they often take for granted the extraordinary efforts one parent may take in raising a child over another. It’s often only after they split up and are responsible for being “the” full-time parent that they realize how involved of a parent the other actually was. A Fort Myers child custody attorney can help you request a parenting plan modification that’s in your child’s best interests and works for you as well.