Alimony, which is also known as spousal support, is often a point of contention during divorce proceedings. Disputes regarding the obligations might include the length of time that the payouts must be made and the size the transfers. Spouses who are filing for divorce in Florida have several different options when considering alimony agreements.
If the divorce amicable, the divorcing couple can agree on the terms of alimony. When this occurs, the proposed agreement must still be submitted to the court so that a judge can review the terms. If the couple is unable to agree on terms of alimony, the court will step in and decide.
The judge reviews many pieces of information when attempting to create an alimony agreement. The length of the marriage, ages of the spouses and their individual economic contributions are all considered, and in some cases, the judge may not order either party to pay support. If a judge decides to award alimony, he or she must also decide which type.
There are two basic types of alimony, and each category has several subsets. Spousal support can be provided for a temporary amount of time or permanently. There are several categories of temporary alimony available to fit each individual situation. For instance, if one spouse was never able to complete his or her career due to the marriage, a temporary alimony may be awarded until he or she can finish their schooling.
Each divorce situation is unique to the persons involved. Payments for spousal maintenance can vary widely from case to case. However, a family law attorney can discuss the various options with his or her client to reach a decision in this matter.
Source: Findlaw , “Florida Spousal Support or Alimony Laws“, September 01, 2014