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When does it make sense to say ‘I do’ to a prenuptial agreement?

On Behalf of | Dec 18, 2013 | High Asset Divorce |

Many Florida residents might have a negative reaction to drawing up a prenuptial agreement. After all, doesn’t a prenup seem to indicate that a couple expects their marriage to end in divorce? It might be useful to consider the fact that having a prenup can make going through a divorce more clear-cut in terms of asset distribution — but in no way does it predict that a couple will split up.

There are a few major considerations to be made when deciding if a prenup is a good idea for you:

Make sure you’re ready to talk about it. Even if one member of the couple is in favor of the idea, it doesn’t mean that the person’s future spouse is. As some experts point out, it can feel as if the partner who is in favor of the idea is telling the other person that there is a lack of trust in the relationship — even before it begins officially.

Make sure you need a prenuptial agreement. For many couples, it simply isn’t necessary. Some attorneys say that unless people earn more than $100,000 per year, it may not be worth it to draw up a prenup. People with larger incomes and assets, however, might find it a useful exercise.

Use the conversation to talk about your bigger financial picture. Even if drawing up a formal agreement isn’t necessary, talking about it can make it clearer for both parties about what the future is likely to hold from an economic perspective.

Source: Reuters, “What To Consider Before Asking For A Prenuptial Agreement,” Geoff Williams, Nov. 27, 2013


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