Separation Versus Divorce: What’s The Difference?
Has your marriage deteriorated to the point where you are considering divorce? Do you just need to get out of the house for a while and have a chance to let things cool off between you and your spouse? Either way, a legal separation may be in your best interest.
Extensive Experience Helping Fort Myers With Separation
At Thompson Family Law, P.A., in Fort Myers, Florida, we have extensive experience guiding clients through the separation and divorce process. Our attorneys will make sure you understand all of your options so that you can make an informed choice about how to proceed with your case.
To discuss your separation options with a dedicated lawyer, call 239-243-9297 or toll free 888-550-6071.
A Separation Doesn’t Have To Mean Divorce
While many couples use separation as a step in the divorce process, your separation does not have to end in a divorce. It can simply serve as a reality check or a cooling off period where you can work out some of your problems without the stress of doing so while under the same roof.
If separating for a while or even permanently makes sense for you, we can work with you and your spouse to make sure all of the necessary arrangements are made. This includes making sure that bills get paid and parental obligations do not fall by the wayside.
Do You Have To Be Separated In Order To Divorce?
No. While many couples separate before initiating their divorce, it is not a legal requirement in Florida. Whether you are seeking separation as a precursor to divorce or as part of repairing your marriage, contact us today to discuss your situation with an attorney.