WE ARE AVAILABLE to meet clients and prospective clients by telephone and video conferencing, using either Zoom or Facetime. We are also available in person, whatever works best for you! We will continue to assist you in any way we can. Please do not hesitate to call our office and let us know how we can help.

Fort Myers Family Law Attorneys
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Tools For Mediators


Basic Skills for the New Arbitrator
by Allan H. Goodman 
(Paperback 1993)
click to buy

This book provides a detailed overview of arbitration, from the prehearing phase through the hearing and deliberation of the award. It guides the new arbitrator through the arbitration process by answering the one hundred questions most frequently asked by new arbitrators. Experienced arbitrators and attorneys who represent clients in arbitration will find this manual extremely useful. You will learn to provide the necessary ethical disclosures, conduct a preliminary conference issue prehearing orders, establish a discovery schedule, resolve discovery disputes, deal with attempted delays, preside at a hearing, render an award, and avoid prejudicial conduct. n hearing so that their decisions are predictive of what a court might do.


The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

This international and interdisciplinary association is dedicated to the constructive resolution of family disputes. A Florida chapter is currently being organized with members of our firm as participants.

American Arbitration Association

This not-for-profit, public service organization is dedicated to the resolution of disputes through the use of arbitration, mediation, conciliation, negotiation, democratic elections and other voluntary procedures. It is primarily focused on business and commercial disputes.

Practice Areas

Family Law
Family Law
  • The Florida Bar | Board Certified | Marital & Family Law
  • Super Lawyers
Rated by Super Lawyers Stephen D. Thompson | SuperLawyers.com
Rated by Super Lawyers Stephen D. Thompson | 15 Years