WE ARE AVAILABLE to meet clients and prospective clients by telephone and video conferencing, using either Zoom or Facetime. We are also available in person, whatever works best for you! We will continue to assist you in any way we can. Please do not hesitate to call our office and let us know how we can help.

Fort Myers Family Law Attorneys
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Academy of Family Mediators
5 Militia Drive
Lexington, MA 02421
781 674-2663
fax: 781 674-2690

The Academy of Family Mediators was established in 1981 as a non-profit educational membership association. It is the largest family mediation organization in existence. Members are mediators working in a variety of settings including private practice, courts, schools, and government in the United States and Internationally.

American Bar Association
Section of Dispute Resolution
740 15th St. NW
Washington, DC 20005-1009
202 662-1680
fax: 202 662-1683

The Section of Dispute Resolution, established in 1993, provides information and technical assistance on all aspects of dispute resolution; studying existing methods for the prompt and effective resolution of disputes; adapting current legal procedures to accommodate court-annexed and court-directed dispute resolution processes; activating state and local bar involvement in dispute resolution, and conducting public and professional education programs.

Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

This international and interdisciplinary association is dedicated to the constructive resolution of family disputes. A Florida chapter is currently being organized with members of our firm as participants.

Florida Dispute Resolution Center
(Click on the link, then on Judicial Administration and then on Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Supreme Court Building
500 South Duval Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1905
850 921-2910
fax 850 488-0156

The Dispute Resolution Center was established in 1986. It serves as Florida’s center for education, training and research in the field of alternative dispute resolution. The Center certifies mediators and mediator training for the courts in Florida, and the discipline of mediators through the mediator qualifications board. The Center provides staff assistance to the Supreme Court Committees on Mediation and Arbitration, the Mediator Ethics Advisory Committee, and the Mediation Training Review Board.

Mediation Information & Resource Center

This is a site listing mediators around the country and additional information on mediation. The family section contains useful articles related to family mediation. It is a good place to look for mediators in other states, including a referral service.

Practice Areas

Family Law
Family Law
  • The Florida Bar | Board Certified | Marital & Family Law
  • Super Lawyers
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