College Education
Colleges, College Scholarships, and Financial Aid
An extensive listing of colleges, scholarships, and financial aid programs available to students.
This site is affiliated with The College Board, a 100-year-old, not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to prepare, inspire, and connect students to college and opportunity. This site will help students and parents plan for the transition from high school to college. Students can register for the SAT online and practice online with actual SAT test questions. Students and parents also identify and search for suitable colleges, apply to college online, explore career options, learn about college costs, and navigate the confusing world of financial aid.
This is a national membership association dedicated to helping parents prepare and put their children through college easily, economically and safely. CPA is a resource, advisor and advocate for the more than 32 million households with parents of current and future college students throughout the United States.
Listing of every State with a prepaid college program, including links to those programs. This site is useful if the child will not be attending a Florida college or university.
Provides a virtual tour of many colleges, with webcams and campus maps.
Extensive help in locating financial aid. It is considered by some experts to be the financial aid bible.
Florida Prepaid College Program
Provides a detailed explanation of the Florida Prepaid College Program. It has extensive links to every college and university in Florida as well as a substantial number of links to colleges and universities around the United States.