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- 2 times to alter a prenuptial agreement
- 3 benefits of collaborative divorce in Fort Myers
- 3 mistakes to avoid when parenting through divorce
- 3 potential pitfalls when addressing complex property division
- 3 questions when dealing with a house in divorce
- 3 tips for a conflict-free divorce
- 3 ways to mitigate contention in a divorce
- 5 major topics when getting a divorce
- 5 ways to prepare for your life after divorce
- A collaborative divorce may help couples resolve differences
- A collaborative divorce yields many benefits
- A Florida group seeks to end to permanent alimony awards
- A Florida mom is arrested for interfering with child custody
- A trust may help to preserve assets
- Abandoned child now in foster care; mother seeks custody
- After gubernatorial veto, permanent alimony continues in Florida
- Agreeing with you ex as to how to raise your child is important
- Alimony determination and how that happens
- Alimony doesn't have to be a forever agreement
- Alimony is a big question in some divorces
- Alimony orders can sometimes be modified
- Alimony records in Florida
- Alimony reform bill dies in Florida without a hearing
- Alimony reform movement is not going away soon in Florida
- An overview of visitation rights for grandparents in Florida
- Animals a focus in some divorces
- Applying for child custody modification due to a relocation
- Approaching divorce when you are a businesswoman
- Are post-nuptial agreements necessary?
- Are you experiencing indirect parenting time interference?
- Are you going through a gray divorce?
- Are you required to take a course as a divorcing parent?
- Are younger couples signing more prenups?
- Assigning value to a business to split it is complicated
- Attorney needed in southwest Florida property division in divorce
- Attorney needed when alimony is in quesiton
- Availability of alimony in Florida divorces
- Avoiding serious financial errors during divorce
- Be careful not to engage in parental alienation
- Benefits of an uncontested divorce
- Building a better relationship with the kids after divorce
- Busting myths about prenups
- Can a Florida spouse request a change in alimony obligations?
- Can alimony awards be modified post-divorce?
- Can alimony be modified?
- Can different children be split between two homes?
- Can I keep my jewelry my spouse gave me when we divorce?
- Can I modify a custody agreement to see my kids more?
- Can my child see a Florida doctor with only one parent's consent?
- Can the location where you get engaged predict your divorce?
- Can you alter a prenup after marriage?
- Can you control who watches your kids after your divorce?
- Can you get emergency custody if your child is unsafe?
- Can you prepare for a high asset divorce?
- Can you record conversations?
- Can you still create a prenup after marriage?
- Case is a reminder of the limited rights of unmarried fathers
- Changing a custody order in Florida
- Child and spousal support laws are set to be updated on Jan. 1
- Child custody an issue in Florida congressman's divorce
- Child custody and the nesting approach
- Child custody and the violent or abusive parent
- Child custody in Florida and where to do your research
- Children might want their other parent sometimes
- Co-parenting apps minimize courtroom custody battles
- Co-parenting isn't always easy, but the kids can thrive
- Collaborative divorce as an option in Florida
- Collaborative divorce vs mediation
- Common divorce mistakes and how to avoid them
- Common financial issues of divorce
- Concerned about cost? Consider a pay-as-you-go attorney
- Consider mediation for contentious child custody issues
- Considerations when dealing with the family home after divorce
- Consistency and communication are important for kids of divorce
- Continental Resources billionaire to keep control of company
- Could a wedlease prevent a complicated divorce?
- Could having more siblings make divorce less likely?
- Couples are increasingly flocking to mediate their divorces
- Court isn't recognizing biological dad's rights
- Cryptocurrencies are often uncovered by Florida divorce attorneys
- Custody and religious upbringing in Florida
- Dad angered by Florida court system
- Dealing with a business in a divorce
- Dealing with hidden assets during a divorce
- Dealing with the complexities of divorce
- Debunking 4 myths of child custody in Florida
- Debunking misconceptions about alimony
- Delaying divorce could short-change women in asset distribution
- Develop a plan for divorce mediation early in the process
- Did you know divorce can impact physical health?
- Different types of alimony for differnet types of divorces
- Different types of alimony outlined and described
- Director faces divorce
- Dissolving your marriage is a nice way of saying divorce
- Dividing debt during divorce
- Dividing high-asset properties after a divorce
- Dividing property in Florida divorce and how it is done
- Dividing up debts during a divorce requires negotiation
- Divorce after domestic abuse: Seeking full custody of children
- Divorce and life insurance in Florida
- Divorce and therapy in Florida
- Divorce can impact taxes
- Divorce in Florida presents complications for same sex couples
- Divorce is declining for millennials, going up for baby boomers
- Divorce litigation is sometimes better than mediation
- Divorce mediation can't be led by your emotions
- Divorce mediation is a better way to separate
- Divorce mediation may be key to settling your case
- Divorce mediation might be possible in a high-asset divorce
- Divorce mediation vs. collaborative divorce
- Divorce negotiations don't have to get heated
- Divorce rates are highest during prosperous economic times
- Divorce when there's a medical practice involved
- Divorces among baby boomers on the rise; watch your retirement
- Divorcing a narcissistic ex? Consider these points
- Divorcing spouses may desperately need alimony as costs increase
- Divorcing women need to do a better job of financial planning
- Do imprisoned parents have any child custody rights?
- Do not let divorce myths keep you from doing what is right
- Do parents with joint custody get child support?
- Do you have the right to know where your child is on visitation?
- Do you need a prenuptial agreement?
- Do you need document backup when asking for spousal support?
- Documentary film reignites Florida alimony debate
- Does every business owner need a prenup?
- Does wealth help keep couples from divorcing?
- Does your parenting plan cover the holidays sufficiently?
- Don't assume your divorce will be over quickly
- Don't forget these details in your Florida parenting plan
- Don't let these child support myths fool you
- Dos and don'ts during a divorce
- Downsizing after a divorce
- Effects of lottery winnings on child support orders
- Enter divorce with a good idea of your personal finances
- Entrepreneurs seeking fairness should mediate their divorces
- Establishing child custody in Florida
- Evaluating digital assets: There's a lot of bucks in bytes
- Expenses covered by child support payments
- Extended family sometimes must step into child custody cases
- Facing a high-asset divorce? How an attorney can help
- Factors Florida courts consider in alimony decisions
- Factors that impact alimony awards in Florida
- Factors that may decrease your spousal support payments
- Factors to weigh when dividing up investments in divorce
- Family law judges see an uptick in last-minute divorce filings
- Father's rights in Florida are among the best in the nation
- Female breadwinners and how they can avoid getting divorced
- Financial differences that can lead to divorce
- First and second wives battle over permanent alimony in Florida
- Five great reasons to consider mediation in divorce
- Five reasons to consider a collaborative divorce
- Florida alimony formulas help to reduce judge's bias
- Florida artists' work is an asset in divorces
- Florida budget cuts hit programs for divorced and abused women
- Florida counselor discusses sexting and divorce
- Florida couple's 'happy' divorce draws attention
- Florida court: Tribal court lacks jurisdiction of custody dispute
- Florida divorce mediation
- Florida has high divorce rate compared to other states
- Florida lawmakers may soon put an end to lifetime alimony
- Florida might soon put an end to permanent alimony
- Florida mother alleges bias of parenting coordinator
- Florida offers parenting class for child custody issues
- Florida Senate approves proposed child custody reform law
- Florida state representative struggles with high-profile divorce
- Florida Supreme Court: Both women are mothers in custody battle
- Florida woman targets powerful art dealer family during divorce
- Forensics accounting and the rising cost of divorce
- Former Dodgers owner in post-divorce battle
- Gaining access to Bitcoin during a divorce isn't easy
- Gary Oldman files for divorce number 4
- Gather financial paperwork before divorce
- Gay marriage and child custody a murky issue in Florida
- George Zimmerman's wife files for divorce in Florida
- Get organized to protect your assets in a divorce
- Getting a high asset divorce in Florida can be complicated
- Getting a high asset divorce in Florida can be easy
- Getting custody of your child very detailed in Florida
- Getting professional help in custody disputes
- Getting Social Security in a divorce
- Getting your home valued by an appraiser
- Giants cornerback seeks to block womens' petition for more money
- Going through divorce in Florida by mediation
- Guiding your children through the divorce process
- Handling retroactive child support
- Help your child cope with your divorce
- Hidden, illiquid assets disputed in high-asset divorces
- High asset divorce in Florida
- High asset divorce in Florida can be sticky
- High asset divorce likely for Pasco County commissioner
- High-asset divorce and inheritance funds
- High-asset divorce held up by asset valuation dispute
- High-profile couple divorce and dispute assets
- How a contested and uncontested divorce are different
- How a divorce might impact your finances
- How a prenup can help a breadwinner spouse avoid paying alimony
- How alimony works in Florida
- How are high-net worth divorces handled differently from others?
- How can a coach help during a divorce?
- How can a forensic accountant help with your divorce?
- How can adultery affect divorce outcomes in Florida?
- How can divorce mediation help with pension discussions?
- How can I deal with my ex's new spouse when we disagree?
- How can I get a divorce in Florida?
- How can I negotiate child custody with my ex-spouse?
- How can I protect my property in case we decide to divorce?
- How cohabitation affects alimony payments
- How collaborative divorce works
- How divorce may affect the credit of the parties
- How do Florida's property division laws work when we divorce?
- How do you file for divorce in Florida?
- How does a divorce happen under Florida law?
- How does divorce mediation compare to litigation?
- How does Florida calculate child support?
- How does infidelity impact my Florida child custody case?
- How does my move out of the family home affect my custody case?
- How does taking charge of my child's schooling impact custody?
- How domestic violence impacts your child custody rights
- How ex-spouses can remain friends
- How Florida determines the “best interests of the child”
- How gifts and inheritances are handled when divorcing in Florida
- How is alimony typically calculated?
- How is child support affected when the custodial parent changes?
- How is Florida alimony calculated?
- How is property divided in Florida?
- How is traveling with my child different post-divorce?
- How long does it take to mediate a divorce resolution?
- How long will I have to pay alimony?
- How mediation can help resolve child custody disputes
- How mental illness can impact child custody
- How nesting impacts your children after divorce
- How pets may be handled in your Florida divorce case
- How should we celebrate Halloween after divorce?
- How to avoid unnecessary legal fees while getting divorced
- How to choose a divorce mediator
- How to create a budget during a divorce
- How to emotionally survive a divorce
- How to ensure that assets are split up equitably in a divorce
- How to know if a prenup is right for your marriage
- How to petition for relocation in Florida
- How to plan for your child's education in a divorce agreement
- How to prepare before filing for divorce
- How to prepare for your child support hearing
- How to protect a small business in a divorce
- How to protect yourself from losing your home during a divorce
- How to ready yourself financially before filing for a divorce
- How to talk to a fiance about a prenup
- How to talk to a spouse about getting a postnuptial agreement
- How to uncover your spouse's hidden assets before you divorce
- How will divorce differ if I'm pregnant at the time?
- How will the new alimony law impact me?
- How will the tax changes to alimony affect divorcing couples?
- How will your spouse’s adultery impact your divorce?
- How you can establish parentage to request custody in Florida
- How your child's special needs affect custody arrangements
- How your tax obligations change once you finalize your divorce
- Important prenup questions unveiled
- In Florida, postnuptial agreements have limits
- Instances in which you can request alimony modifications
- International abduction cases challenging for Florida parents
- International child custody drama sparks court challenge
- Is a lump sum payment better than receiving monthly alimony?
- Is collaborative divorce right for you?
- Is divorce mediation right for you?
- Is divorce mediation right for you?
- Is it possible to co-parent with a narcissist?
- Is keeping your divorce out of the public's eye really an option?
- Is mediation an option for divorcing spouses?
- Is mediation ideal for your complex divorce case?
- Is my divorcing spouse a narcissist?
- Is the improving economy leading to more divorces?
- Is the savings account yours just because your name is on it?
- It matters when the valuation of your marital assets occurs
- It's helpful not to "like" Facebook during divorce proceedings
- Judge orders children into public school during divorce hearing
- Judges weigh many factors in custody cases involving relocation
- Keep this in mind when sharing custody during the holidays
- Keeping a family business intact through divorce
- Keeping finances in mind during divorce
- Key factors about the prenuptial process
- Know how to handle a toxic ex in child custody matters
- Know how to handle property division negotiations
- Know points regarding child custody cases
- Know that alimony sees no gender
- Know the difference between a mediator and parenting coordinators
- Know the fair value of your assets when getting a divorce
- Later in life divorces: Why the upward trend?
- Law spells out how property should be split in divorce
- Legal issues with divorce and bankruptcy
- Limitations of prenups and postnups
- Making a transition after divorce easier as a stay-at-home mom
- Making changes to child support
- Making smart divorce decisions
- Man with dementia wants a divorce in Florida
- Many divorced spouses are putting their retirement at risk
- Many individuals fear being able to make ends meet post-divorce
- Mediating child custody
- Mediation can be instrumental in resolving parenting differences
- Mediation can help decide child custody issues during a divorce
- Mediation can help you to get divorce issues resolved
- Mediation for divorce can be a good thing
- Mediation in child custody matters in Florida
- Mediation introductions: The first step in a successful mediation
- Mediation isn't an ideal way to resolve every divorce
- Mediation may help you avoid contempt charges in your divorce
- Mediation may simplify your divorce
- Mediators can help in brokering an end to your marriage
- Meeting the requirements for divorce in Florida
- Meeting with a divorce attorney for the first time
- Men, women and alimony: what's the norm?
- Miami Heat star's child custody battle drags on
- Millionaire's income disclosed in child support trial
- Money and dividing assets in a Florida divorce
- Money moves to make during divorce
- Muskrat divorce? The Captain and Tennille plan to end marriage
- Must you be wealthy to benefit from a prenuptial agreement?
- Navigating financially-complex divorces
- One important step a divorcing party should never forget to do
- Overcoming the hurdles of a high-asset divorce
- Overlooking important financial matters during divorce
- Parenting time isn't difficult for unmarried Florida dads to get
- Paternity and the older father
- Pets in property division
- Physical and legal custody: What's the difference?
- Planning for divorce mediation
- Prenuptial agreements can help with property division
- Prenuptial agreements can strengthen high asset marriages
- Property distribution in Florida is equitable distribution
- Property division
- Property division always a question in a divorce
- Property division in Florida involves the court system
- Property division is a complex matter for divorcing parties
- Proposed changes to child custody, alimony vetoed in Florida
- Protect children traveling internationally with exes
- Protecting a child from abduction by a parent
- Protecting investments and retirement accounts during divorces
- Protecting separate property during a marriage
- Protecting your credit during a divorce can prove to be difficult
- Protecting your kids from a post-divorce guilt trip
- Proving assets are nonmarital is not an easy fete
- Questions people often have about prenuptial agreements
- Questions to ask before making changes to child custody orders
- Questions your lawyer will ask as part of your high asset divorce
- Reasons any couple may consider a prenuptial agreement
- Reasons older couples still need a prenup
- Reasons to request a child support order modification
- Regaining custody by using the parental alienation defense
- Relocating with children
- Relocation with a child after a divorce
- Relocation with child the easy way or the hard way
- Remarriage and divorce rates
- Remember that alimony payments will handled differently in 2020
- Representing divorce clients with alimony concerns
- Requesting to relocate with your child
- Resolving custody issues through a collaborative divorce
- Resolving issues of divorce through mediation
- Resolving your divorce with mediation can be a win-win scenario
- Rules for relocating with children after divorce
- Rumored tax concerns lead to settlement for Pamela Anderson
- Safeguarding your art collection during a divorce
- Several types of alimony are possible under Florida law
- Shared child custody laws are being considered in many states
- Shared parenting movement spurs child custody trend among fathers
- Shielding non-marital assets during a divorce
- Should a parenting plan change?
- Should you date while going through divorce?
- Should you sell the family home in a divorce?
- Should you try mediation to resolve child custody issues?
- Significant financial changes can impact child support
- Some advantages of divorce mediation
- Some debts aren't easy for divorcing couples to split up
- Some high-net worth couples are more prone to an amicable divorce
- Some of the reasons why you may want to get a postnup
- Special issues to know about going through a grey divorce
- Splitting up home and household items in a divorce isn't easy
- Splitting up the artwork in a divorce
- Stay-at-home parent might need alimony in a divorce
- Steps in getting a high asset divorce in Florida
- Stress levels of children with unmarried parents
- Student loan debt is fast becoming a leading factor for divorce
- Survey: More baby boomers looking to untie the knot
- Tax considerations, an overlooked complication of divorce
- Tax implications associated with receiving alimony
- Terrence Howard claims he cannot pay spousal support
- The 4 elements of a parenting plan
- The collaborative process and child custody
- The debate about alimony in Florida
- The difference between child custody and parental responsibility
- The difference between physical, legal and joint custody
- The financial toll of divorce doesn't end with a settlement
- The length of a marriage can impact alimony awards
- The months couples are most apt to divorce in the United States
- The penalties for hiding assets during a divorce are severe
- The pros and cons of agreeing to a nesting custody agreement
- The rising trend in gray divorce
- The rules for relocation with children after a divorce
- The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and custody battles
- The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will change how alimony is handled
- The top benefits of collaborative divorce
- The top reasons to choose collaborative divorce
- The truth about sobriety and recovery in child custody cases
- There are many types of alimony
- There are more effective ways of negotiating alimony with your ex
- There is hope if you want to save your business from your ex
- Things to know when divorcing after 50
- Think about all options for child custody arrangements
- Three costly mistakes to avoid when divorcing over 50
- Tips for succeeding at divorce mediation
- Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Divorcing Over 50
- Top benefits of a collaborative divorce
- Try thinking of your divorce as a new beginning, not a bitter end
- Uncovering assets hidden during a divorce is far from impossible
- Understand how mediation can help resolve child custody cases
- Understand mediation before your first session
- Understanding collaborative divorce in a child custody case
- Understanding Florida child support
- Understanding Florida's child custody laws
- Understanding how getting a divorce could impact a business
- Understanding the 50 Mile Rule
- Understanding the division of a 401(k) during a divorce
- Valuing certain stocks in a Florida high-asset divorce
- Virtual visitation in Florida
- Wealthy individuals shouldn't go at divorce alone
- What a Florida Parenting Plan is and how to draft one
- What approach to mediation is best for my Florida divorce case?
- What are my options if my ex stops making alimony payments?
- What are prenuptial agreements?
- What are some alternatives to alimony payments?
- What are some factors in equitable division in Florida?
- What are some tax strategies I can agree to speed up our divorce?
- What are the advantages of divorce mediation?
- What are the benefits associated with divorce mediation?
- What are the benefits to mediating your prenuptial agreement?
- What are the different types of alimony that exist in Florida?
- What are the limitations of a prenup in Florida?
- What are the pros and cons associated with divorce mediation?
- What are the pros and cons of pursuing divorce mediation?
- What are the pros and cons of sole legal custody?
- What are the roles and responsibilities of custodial parents?
- What becomes of jewelry in a divorce?
- What becomes of pensions and Social Security during a divorce?
- What can you do so you and your ex remain friends post-divorce?
- What do I need to do to relocate out of state with my child?
- What does a judge consider when making an alimony award?
- What does an ideal co-parenting schedule look like?
- What effects does child custody have on children?
- What exactly does "best interests of the child" mean?
- What expenses do spouses often forget when requesting alimony?
- What happens during child custody mediation?
- What happens to pets when a married couple splits up
- What happens to the family timeshare in a divorce?
- What happens when a parenting plan needs to be modified?
- What happens with bonuses and other perks when you divorce?
- What happens with our Florida family business when we divorce?
- What happens with the house when we divorce?
- What impact does divorce have on my immigration status?
- What impact does my ex’s criminal record have on custody?
- What is a Florida Qualified Domestic Relations Order?
- What is a parenting plan?
- What is a parenting plan?
- What is a petition to relocate in Florida?
- What is a postnuptial agreement and do you need one?
- What is collaborative law for divorce and child custody in Florida?
- What is divorce mediation and how can it help me?
- What is divorce mediation and how does it happen?
- What is included in a Florida parenting plan?
- What is the best resolution option for your divorce?
- What is the collaborative law process in Florida like?
- What is the definition of a qualified domestic relations order?
- What paperwork should you gather when a divorce is near?
- What parental alienation is and how it can impact child custody
- What rights does a parent with legal custody have?
- What rights you have if your ex violates your divorce decree
- What role does a Parenting Coordinator play in custody cases?
- What role does age play in a family law judge's decision-making?
- What should I expect by mediating my Florida divorce?
- What should you discuss with your ex during a gray divorce?
- What should you remember if you're leaving an abusive marriage?
- What situations may result in you losing custody of your kids?
- What strategies do Florida judges employ for determining alimony?
- What to consider before seeking a collaborate divorce
- What to consider when moving with your child after divorce
- What to do and avoid when running a company with your ex
- What to do if you were denied visitation rights
- What to do if your spouse wants a divorce in Florida
- What to do with your business when you're headed for divorce
- What to know about "nesting"
- What to know about prenuptial agreements
- What types of assets are divided up upon divorce?
- What you need to know about relocating with children after divorce
- What you should know about a collaborative divorce
- What's an uncontested divorce and who can file for it?
- What's considered income during a child support hearing?
- What's the difference between joint physical and legal custody?
- What's the history of alimony?
- What's the significance of the date of separation in a divorce?
- What's your unconscious saying about your marriage?
- When can you withhold your child from visitation?
- When does it make sense to say 'I do' to a prenuptial agreement?
- When going through divorce, consider college plans for kids
- When may a lump-sum alimony payment be an ideal option for you?
- When might a Florida judge opt for split custody arrangements?
- When should you hire a certified divorce financial analyst?
- When your spouse wants a divorce and you don't
- Where to look for hidden assets in a Florida divorce
- Where your spouse is likely hiding assets as you look to divorce
- Which assets are divided in a Florida divorce?
- Which type of parenting plan can work best for you?
- Who has jurisdiction in a child custody case in Florida?
- Who is more likely to initiate a divorce: men or women?
- Who keeps the health insurance when you divorce?
- Who needs a prenuptial agreement?
- Why 50-50 custody can be best for many families
- Why are high profile divorce announcements slow to occur?
- Why choose mediation for resolving your child custody case?
- Why did a judge throw out my friend's prenuptial agreement?
- Why divorce rates are highest in late August
- Why have a Qualified Domestic Relations Order in Florida?
- Why is it best to pursue divorce mediation over litigation?
- Why mediation can work in some of the most complex divorce cases
- Why mediation may be better than litigation when you divorce
- Why might a Florida judge deny a parent's child custody request?
- Why new alimony tax laws may lead many to speed up their divorces
- Why should I use a safe center to exchange custody of my kids?
- Why shouldn't you move out of the marital home during a divorce?
- Why shuttle mediation might not be the wisest option
- Why those who hold military jobs have the highest rate of divorce
- Why you could have to share custody with your abusive ex
- Why you might need a professional involved in your separation
- Why you still need an attorney for uncontested divorce
- Wife of in-rehab singer Cassidy files for divorce
- Will excessive Facebook use end your marriage?
- Will I keep my inheritance in a Florida divorce?
- Will the Florida family courts uphold your prenuptial agreement?
- Woman facing criminal charges for neglecting child in home
- Woman gets enormous divorce settlement in Florida
- Woman who lost custody arrested for kidnapping daughter
- Write a rock-solid parenting plan with your ex-spouse
- You can't request sole custody for breastfeeding alone
- You don't have to settle for paying taxes on alimony
- You may lose alimony if your prenup isn't thoroughly reviewed
- Your child wants to live with your co-parent: Now what?
- Your divorce doesn't have to get ugly
- Your divorce might impact your credit worthiness
- Your property is yours alone in a divorce
- Your retirement account and divorce
- Your retirement may be delayed if you divorce later in life